Advocation For Empowerment,
Visibility And Rights For All


Royal women health and right initiative is a peer led initiative that focuses on the health and rights of female sex workers, a non profitable organization.


10+ Years Of Undefeated Success

We are committed to building equitable, collaborative relationships to open opportunities for all communities. Explore the ways we partner to create greater sustainability and impact.


Successfully Completed Project.


Years of amazing experience


Persons Reached


Staff & Volunteers

Advocating for empowerment, visibility, and rights for all sex workers...

Royal women health and right initiative is a peer led initiative that focuses on the health and rights of female sex workers, a non profitable organization.
RWHARI formally registered with Corporate Affairs Commission on the 12th day of August, 2016 with registration number: CAC/IT/NO 89840.
RWHARI was registered to promote the health and rights of most at risk persons. Among other things, to contribute to the national reduction of HIV/AIDS prevalence among the most at risk persons and sexual minorities with a focus on Female Sex Workers (FSWs) at the community, state and national levels in order to advocate and provide access to HIV/STI prevention services and information to the infected and affected most at risk persons; to document human rights violation cases within Edo State; and to provide psychosocial support services irrespective of age, sex, social strata or sexual orientation; through advocacy, service delivery and innovative community engagement processes.

Our Mission

To facilitate access to free and comprehensive HIV prevention, treatments, care and support information services for sex workers.

Our Vision

To see a Nigeria where all marginalized women have access to quality health care, legal services and economic empowerment.

Core Values

Respect  Confidentially  Accountability  Honesty  Teamwork  Transparency  Professionalism

Ese Blessing Awhatorhe

Executive Director

About the Executive Director

Ese Blessing is a human rights activist who have fought for the well-being of Key Populations in Nigeria, a dedicated Executive Director of Royal Women Health and Right Initiative and state Coordinator for key affected population in Lagos state and also a board member of Nigeria Sex Workers Association (NSWA). She has demonstrated passion for the community and humanitarian services in her several years of experience in HIV& AIDS, STI, TB, SRHR and Gender Base Violence programs, she has also gained a lot of experience implementing development projects in different states in Nigeria especially working at community level, directly delivering services and mobilizing to advocate and provide services over the past 7 years. Blessing graduated from the Delta state university. With a bachelor of science Degree in Applied Chemistry, she has attended several trainings with certificates. Her professional history includes portfolio such as, I. Executive Director, State Coordinator, Board member (NSWA) II. State supervisor during integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance survey (IBBSS) 2020 III. Attended sex workers academy Kenya (2014) actively participated in the commemoration of World AIDS DAY

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